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Time to Say Good Bye to Pesky Pimples!

Dreaming of the day that you will finally conquer perfectly clear skin? I'm here to give you, loves, some tips that may save the day.


Lots of us suffer from acne and some more severe that others and trust me looking at pictures of models perfectly clear skin just makes it all the worst! Every time you pick at your blemishes do you notice your skin getting worst? If yes, that's because it is!


Picking at our skin only makes matters worse, and it increases inflammation in our skin as well. When it comes to acne, over applying different treatments and retinols can just make everything worse. It will cause our skin to dry out and then this causes our skin to produce more  oil, which in return clogs our pores. It's important to apply the least amount possible when applying treatments!


This is why I recommend Cetaphil face wash because it is perfect for all skin types, and it WON'T irritate the skin. It's very important that you find the right products that fit your skin type because each person's skin is different. 


I know for some of us it takes more than a simple drying lotion to make our acne go away. I know this because I have suffered with acne for years! I believe that acne comes from within, so things like stress and your diet are possible triggers. So, staring at your acne in the mirror all day will just cause more stress, which leads to acne. So try your best to live a stress free life.


Another product that I recommend that has worked wonders is Adapelene .3% gel. Not only does this magical retinol get rid of pimples, but it also gets rid of wrinkles. Wrinkles and acne? This is an absolute must!



My Favorite Skincare Products for Acne


Calling All Glow-Getters

                Wondering how to achieve a dewy natural finish? Keep reading to find out!


Two words: HYALURONIC ACID!! You can find it in lots of different face lotions. Hyaluronic acid will allow for you to get that plump glowing look in your skin that you've always longed for! Some ways you can achieve this are:


  • Using a toner

  • Using a moisturizer

  • Giving your foundation a boost with radiance drops (linked below)

  • Stay hydrated (drink around 80 ounces a day)

  • Stay healthy and don't forget your fruits and veggies

  • Try a topical retinoid

  • Set your makeup (linked below)


This list will help you achieve your best possible skin! I believe that eating healthy will allow for you to achieve a natural glow. The best foods for your skin include fatty fish, walnuts, sunflower seeds, avocados (my favorite), and tomatoes. These are all super foods that I love to eat and believe they have worked wonders for my skin. 


I can't not emphasize enough how important moisturizer is in achieving perfect glowing skin. I know for some of us, who use acne treatments, it's harder to achieve this because the products usually over dry the skin. This means that it is even more important to moisturize. I recommend moisturizing every night before you put any product on your skin and every morning before you apply makeup. 


One of my new favorite skin devices is the Foreo Luna Play Plus. After just one use my skin looked fresh and vibrant. This device gets rid of all those dead skin cells, which is making our skin dry and dull. I highly recommend this product and I will link the exact product below! 



My favorite products to achieve glowing skin

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Stay glowing, babes

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